jueves, 31 de marzo de 2011

No he ni llegado y ya se cuando tengo vacaciones

Simplemente quedé PLOP!!! no he llegado.. además me parece muy pronto y no me parece justo, acabo de recibir este correo de mi HM

As you know, while you are here, you will be entitled to two weeks of
paid vacation. We typically ask that you take one of those weeks
during the week that we are away with my parents, and then let you
pick the timing of the other week, as long as Pepita is in school during
that time.  You can choose to take your second week all at once, or to
use it a little at a time.
The week that we will be away with my parents is August 8-12.  Please
plan to take one of your weeks of vacation at this time.  You will be
free to stay at our house during that week if you like, or you can
plan to go somewhere. I wanted to go ahead and let you know so that
you can begin thinking about how you would like to use your time.
Please let me know if you have any questions.

miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2011

I`m still here

Sigo acá, estoy revisando constantemente pero no hay nada nuevo para contarles por ahora... He intercambiado correos con mi HF y todo va muy bien...

Por cierto, espero que les haya gustado el cambio de diseño :D

viernes, 4 de marzo de 2011

Este correo lo recibi de una ex-au pair, creo que es una muy  buena ayuda! 
Por cierto les comparto este link para las chicas que estamos en la zona o no, me parece muy bueno, básico y sencillo


Oh the luggage lol, not simple !

When i left to be an aupair, we was autorised to have 2 big luggages + a small one. So what i did ? I
came with 2 big luggages + a small one, + my computer and my purse. So too muchhhhhhhhhhh

If i can give you an advice, take juste clothes that you know you gonna wear every season (underwear, Few tee shirt, 1 pyja, A swiming suit, a Jean or 2 not more, A short a dress, and take clothes for now, don t think too much about this summer ! It s not here yet, and here in DC MD VA and PA areas, we can have wheaterlike 45 degree celcius !

The thing is, Try to keep space in your luggage, if not it's fine but if you can still have space it's better Because you could found another luggage here to put all the thing you gonna buy in USA.

Don t take every stuff like shampoo, body washer ... We have all that here in USA lol So take a little bit for the first week in NY but not a lot because it will be havy in your suitcase. Take one towel because the first week at the training time they gonna give you a really small towel so, i was happy to have mine. But don t take a set, your host parents have towels lol

Don t be afraid to forget things, If you do, you could still ask your family to send the thing you forgot or miss in your new house.

For pictures, you can take few; but if you have a computer with you, just put them inside and when you gonna be here you could easily print them, it s not expensive at all. And that saves rooms in you suitcase.

The same for books, cds, dvds ... Don t take them, when you gonna be there juste go to the library close to you and register yourself, lot of time it s free, if not, it s not expensive. THere you gonna have all the book you want, all the cds and dvds. You can put the musique you like from your country in your computer and then create cds when you are here. Dvds, you could just use them on your computer, they don t work here, so dont take them. And you are here for improve your english right ? So let s practices by watching movies in english Smile

I think that s it ! Don t forget all the papers you need. Me i took all the paper i got from the agency when i found my host family, so the details of the host family, the visa, every papers which seems important to you, take them.

I gonna think more, i just woke up, but i think i told you pretty much what it s better Smile

Dont forget that there is not expensive places for clothes, shoes, so if you already like shopping in you country, you gonna love it here Wink lol

Hope i helped you with this answer ! If i think about something else, i gonna let you know !


jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011

Y con más dudas que al inicio

Aunque me falta mucho tiempo (tres meses) no dejo de pensar en todoooo lo que puede llegar a pasar, en el momento preciso en el que entre a la sala de espera, en las lágrimas de despedida, porque he de admitir que soy una llorona (en especial para las despedidas); No dejo de pensar en qué voy a empacar, muchas recomendaciones, -No lleves esto, mejor lleva eso y ni se te ocurra dejar esto.. QUE SE SUPONE QUE DEBO HACER??? Llevales esto a tu HF, acaso te crees papá Noel?  por Dios...
Ando con una extraña mezcla de sentimientos en ocasiones me levanto feliz porque conseguí una buena HF porque tengo mucho apoyo de mi flia y amigos. Pero hay dias en los que definitivamente me patea la mula, un rematch? NOOO... Qué tal que sea una berrinchudaaa??? NOOO...
Solo se que va a ser una excelente experiencia y voy a aprender sino! jajaja hago reclamo! Mejor me libero de toda emoción, a disfrutar el tiempo con mi familia, con mis amigos, me gozo mi último semestre de la U, que cada día traiga su propio afán